Monday, 4 June 2012

Day 1 of Installing

Today, the 4/6/2012, was the beginning of Artifacts Aired's installation. The staffs' collection of artifacts and other objects have finally arrived.
Our day began by painting the feature walls a lead colour. We found that this colour went well with the room and the artifacts that are being displayed.

After finishing the edging on the walls it was time to work out where the floating walls would be placed.
This was a long process, but we finally agreed on the placements of where they would stand.

Behind this last image we have organized a children's area. This acts as an education area, as well as somewhere for children to play while parents and/or guardians observe the gallery.
As the gallery was slowly coming together, we brought out the artifacts; even the staff came to set up their own collections. We placed the objects around the room and worked together to decide where they should be placed.

Some of these objects were only single pieces, framed and easy to place. Before the day was out we managed to frame a few others.

Today started off as slow. However, when looking back on the day's events, we all accomplished so much. It will be interesting to see what we finish tomorrow. Well done.

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